郭倉禾同學參加第三屆全國太赫茲及毫米波創新技術應用專題實作競賽發表會-榮獲 特優

郭倉禾同學參加第三屆全國太赫茲及毫米波創新技術應用專題實作競賽發表會-榮獲 特優
Research Title: Hight-resolution spectral imaging at~6 THz
Advisor: Prof. Yen-Chieh Huang
In this work, we develope a tunable narrow-line THz radiation source at about 6 THz frequency, which is based on stimulated polariton scattering (SPS) from a KTiOPO4 (KTP) crystal. In the setup, we pump the crystal with an intense laser pulse at 1064 nm and strongly focused a wavelength-tunable Stokes seed from an amplified narrow-line external cavity diode laser (ECDL) to perform difference frequency generation (DFG). The pump pulse is generated from an amplified chain seeded by a single-frequency passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Owing to the strong focusing, the seed Stokes has a broad angular spectrum to satisfy the phase-matching condition in the first-stage THz parametric amplifier (TPA), when one tunes the Stokes wavelength from the ECDL. The tunable Stokes pulse and the pump pulse in the second KTP DFG crystal generate the tunable narrow-line THz radiation for our imaging system.